We’re an Incorporated Association, so we’re governed by a management committee. That committee takes advise and directions from the greater member body to make strategic and operational decisions that define the character of our organisation.
Meet our
Van der Loos
Rachelle is the Vice-President of our organisation. She offers key advice to the President, and can in some situations, act on behalf on the President. Rachelle works closely with the President to define the goals and priorities of the organisation, she has a key leadership role and can offer guidance and direction to committees and members. The Vice-President also develops the future of the organisation’s leadership and member body.
Du Bois
Mame is the official Treasurer of the organisation. Mame’s role contributes to the operational continuity and financial stability of the organisation. She works with our financial administration, reviews procedures and policies, advises the management committee on financial strategy, handles financial reporting, and guides fundraising for the organisation.
Emma Johansen
Emma is our Organisation’s Executive Secretary. Her role involves assisting in the smooth functioning of the management committee by ensuring meetings are effectively organised and minuted, aiding in supervising the legal compliance of the organisation, and actioning organisational communication and correspondence.
Kane is the President of Share the Burden and serves as the Chief Executive Officer. He is accountable to the management committee and the greater member body. The President helps to define the key strategic and operational movements of the organisation. Kane is responsible for ensuring the global compliance of the organisation and oversees its greater future development.